Child protection policy

KN Hotels is committed to the protection of children’s rights including their right to be protected from harmful influences, abuse and explotation in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we are committed to respect and protect all children under the age of 18 staying in our establishments.
Annually and internally, we will provide training to all department heads, so that in turn in their departmental meetings they will cyclically train their staff to prevent any kind of child abuse, in order to always be aware from the signs of child abuse, neglect or exploitation, as well as to be trained to know what measures to take to protect a child who may be at risk, either in or around the hotel establishments of our organisation.
KN Hoteles is committed to:
• Give visibility to the unicef publication on the Convention on the Rights of the Child of May 2015.
• Ensure the protection of children against all forms of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation, abandonment or negligent treatment.
• Contribute to the eradication of child labour in all business activities and commercial relationships.
• We will always look after the interests of the psychological, physical and moral integrity of the minor.
• Ensure the protection and safety of children in all our activities and facilities.
• Promote children’s rights in relation to the environment in which future generations will live and grow up.
• Strengthen efforts with the community where we operate to protect and fulfil children’s rights.
• Collaborate with local NGO who works with vulnerable groups of children.
• Any case of child abuse that is detected by our employees will be reported to the relevant local authorities.