Public transport

In Tenerife you can use public transport to reach every point of the island, the most recommended options are bus and taxi services.
There are two main bus transport options:
You can choose transfers operated by private companies that require prior reservation, such as bus excursions, or directly use the public bus free of booking. If you need to book for an excursion or transfer through a private collective transport, please contact with our reception.
If you wish to discover other parts of the island by public transport, TITSA is the name of the company that performs this service. By clicking on the above link, you will be able to see an interactive map that shows all the available bus lines on the island, their schedules and routes. In this case, we recommend to purchase a voucher or transport card at tobacconists or at the bus station in order to be able to pay directly on the bus and get a discount on your journey.

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If you have any questions about it or you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact our reception staff.