Kn Panoramica Aparthotel
Standards for the prevention of COVID-19.
Please read the following safety rules carefully. The infraction of these rules will be cause of immediate expulsion from the Hotel without refund.

Security Distance
You must always maintain a safety distance of 1.5 meters with other clients, and you must not have unnecessary physical contact with Hotel employees (hugs, kisses …).

Hygiene standards
Hands should be washed frequently with soap and water or if not possible with hydro-alcoholic gel, placed in different points of the hotel

Disposable face masks, gloves, tissues, and any other personal hygiene items should be throwed in your room’s wastebasket or in special containers with a lid and bag red placed at different points in common areas.

Respect for the safety rules
You must respect the capacity of each area of the Hotel, the distance lines in the queues and the marked directions of circulation.

In the pool
The sunbeds have been placed in pairs respecting the safety distance of 1.5 meters. The pairs must be occupied by members of the same room. The sunbeds must be disinfected after each use and it is mandatory to place your own towel.
- Prohibited to move and / or put together sunbeds.
- It is forbidden to reserve sunbeds with towels or other objects
before the allocation of sunbeds by the Hotel staff, which will begin every day at 9:45 a.m.
- You must respect the capacity of the pools.

Cleaning and maintenance of rooms
Cleaning and maintenance in the rooms must be done without clients inside. If any maintenance work must be done with the client inside (opening of a safe), the client must wear a mask.

In case of symptoms
If you have a body temperature above 37.5 ºC or any other symptom compatible with COVID19 (cough, fever, difficulty breathing, etc.), you should immediately leave the pool, restaurant or other common areas and immediately go to your room with your companions and notify the reception by phone. You should not leave your room until our doctor visits you or until we notify you to transfer yourself to a health center. Anything you need will be provided by our staff in your room (food, drinks …).

Collaboration with the staff
You must collaborate at all times and follow the instructions of our staff. You should not joke or pretend symptoms of the disease.

Smoking it´s not allow
Smoking it´s not allow in all common areas of the Hotel

Mandatory to present a negative COVID-19 Test
It is mandatory to present a negative COVID-19 test at the time of check in, with the conditions and requirements established in the regulations of the Government of the Canary Islands.
The infraction of these rules will be cause of immediate expulsion from the Hotel without refund.
By signing, the client agrees to comply with the Hotel’s regulations and especially the preventive measures implemented for the prevention of COVID19 infections.
Have you read and understood the rules?
It is very important that the guest reads and respects all the rules for yours and everyone’s safety. The infraction of these rules will be cause of immediate expulsion from the Hotel without refund.